person with bruised knuckles

How Are Insulting and Provoking Contact and Bodily Harm Different in IL?

Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with the differences between battery and assault, which can be confusing for those facing charges. As such, taking the time to learn how these differ is essential to ensure you understand the charges against you and helps you best prepare. The following blog explores how these two things differ and why connecting with a Peoria violent crime lawyer is in your best interest during these challenging times.

What Is Insulting and Provoking Contact, and How Is it Different From Bodily Harm?

Generally, any time someone in Illinois is charged with battery, it means they had actual physical contact with the victim. This differs from assault, which can occur without physical contact between the parties.

Someone can face battery charges if they have insulting or provoking contact with the victim or inflict bodily harm. Insulting and provoking contact is any contact meant to intimidate, demean, or provoke the victim. This could be yanking the arm of the victim as they try to leave or spitting on them.

Bodily harm is what people usually think of when they hear the term battery. This refers to the injuries suffered by a victim of battery, such as lacerations, welts, cuts, and bruises. However, someone facing charges for battery with great bodily harm may have inflicted the aforementioned injuries in addition to concussion, broken bones, and lost teeth.

Generally, if you engage in provoking or insulting contact or inflict bodily harm on another knowingly, you can face charges for battery in Illinois.

What Should I Do When I’m Facing Charges?

If you are facing charges for battery in Illinois, understanding what you should do to protect yourself is critical. Unfortunately, when many are arrested, their first instinct is to plead their innocence to the arresting officers. However, this can lead to you accidentally incriminating yourself or giving the prosecution evidence to use against you. As such, it’s in your best interest to invoke your Fifth Amendment right to invoke silence until you have consulted an attorney. Additionally, you must not resist arrest, as this can lead to additional charges. Instead, you must comply with the officer’s orders.

You should also connect with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many believe there is no hope for their case or that investing in legal representation is too expensive. However, when your criminal record, reputation, and future are on the line, you shouldn’t try to navigate this process alone.

At Giraudo Law, our dedicated team understands how overwhelming it can be to face battery charges. Regardless of your situation, we will examine the details of your case to determine the best course of action for your specific circumstances. Contact our firm today to discuss the details of your case with a member of our competent, compassionate, and confident legal team today.

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