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What Should I Do if I Get an Out-of-State DUI Charge?

Whether you’re taking a road trip or live close to a neighboring state, you may leave Illinois for many reasons. However, when your trip out-of-state ends up in a DUI charge, understanding how to proceed is critical, as these are serious charges. Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with what to do when charged with a crime across state lines. As such, it’s essential to understand why you need a Peoria DUI lawyer to assist you with this criminal offense. Keep reading to learn what you must know about these charges.

What Warrants a DUI Charge in the United States?

In the United States, a DUI charge is generally given to those with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) at or over 0.08%. This is known as the legal limit. Anyone driving a vehicle with this amount of alcohol in their system will face a DUI charge, regardless of how it impacts their ability to drive.

It’s important to note that some drivers may be charged with a DUI even if they have less than the legal limit in their system. For example, if someone is driving with a BAC of 0.05%, they can still be charged if the officer determines the presence of alcohol in their system impacts their ability to drive.

How Does an Out-of-State DUI Work?

If charged with a DUI in another state but reside in Illinois, understanding the penalties you can face is critical. Generally, you will find that your license will be revoked when Illinois receives a report that you were convicted of a DUI. This is because Illinois is part of the Driver’s License Compact (DLC), which is a program between almost all states that share information between the governments about driving offenses that occur across state lines.

In most instances, the charges for an out-of-state DUI will reflect the charges in your home state, which, for a first offense in Illinois, is a Class A misdemeanor. For example, upon your return home, your license will likely be suspended for up to one year or six months if you choose to install an ignition interlock device. Additionally, you can face up to a year in jail, $2,500 in fines, and the possibility of community service.

If I’m Charged, What Should I Do?

When you are charged with a DUI across state lines, it’s imperative to understand that you must contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible to discuss your charge. Though a first-offense DUI may not seem serious, this can have severe and lasting impacts on your life. As such, it’s in your best interest to do everything possible to fight the charges.

At Giraudo Law, we understand how complex these charges can be. That’s why it’s in your best interest to contact our experienced team as soon as possible. Reach out to our team today to learn how we can assist you.

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